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Labyrinth of rivers and rainforest


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Unique place in the world

The Orinoco Delta is an intricate and vast labyrinth of rivers that carry the waters of the Orinoco River to the Atlantic Ocean and intertwine within a tropical jungle. The Orinoco is divided into approximately 60 pipes and 40 rivers that cross 41,000 square kilometers of jungle islands, swamps and lagoons. It continues to spread into the Atlantic Ocean at a rate of 40 meters per year along the 360 kilometers of coastline.


A green paradise

The Delta is one of the most biodiverse places in the world. A wide variety of habitats have emerged within the Delta, both terrestrial and marine. Mixed tropical forests, where huge palm trees prevail that prevail over much of the mainland, with a great variety of flora including fruit and palm trees, orchids, bromeliads and ferns; the latter proliferate in the humid air of the tunnel formed by the thick foliage.


The swamps and bogs are full of aquatic plants and the estuaries that go to the ocean are covered with mangroves. Throughout the entire Delta, the rivers themselves have totally different shapes, the wide channels becoming small streams, lagoons and isolated pools. Some, full of sediments, are brown, others black due to the effect of tannic acids. Many are covered with huge floating meadows of bora (water hyacinth) and floating grasses, which are slowly washed away with the current.


All sizes and colors

The animal life of the delta is also extremely varied and rich. Jaguars, pumas, ocelots, capuchin and howler monkeys, capibaras, giant river otters, manatees and dolphins are just some of the countless species of mammals that can be observed in their natural habitat. Among the extensive population of birds are parakeets, macaws, toucans, cormorants, herons, hawks, eagles and polychromatic hummingbirds. There are also a large number of amphibians, reptiles, and fish, including anacondas, boas, snakes, fer-de-lance, coral snakes, iguanas, alligators, turtles, piranhas, stingrays, and catfish.


Water people

The term Warao translated into Spanish means: people of water or people of the canoes.  Currently, the indigenous population of the Waraos is approximately 25,000, distributed in the Delta Amacuro and Monagas States, in the areas adjacent to the mouths of the Delta Del Orinoco channels.

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